Advanced computing & network innovation

To solve global challenges, information and communication technology (ICT) plays a central role in accelerating scientific analysis and basic research. We look at the possibilities and opportunities with advanced computing & networking technologies.

Gebouw met de tekst: Get started: the future is here

Scientific questions of the future require a different approach to how you calculate.

SURF Short podcast about advanced computing
Sagar Dolas

Sagar Dolas

Date to be determined
The Royal Tropical Institute

Explore trends and connect with other peers in HPC, AI, Machine Learning, Quantum and Data Science.


SURF Communities

Future Computing and Networking

In this SURF community, we want to bring experts interested in advanced computing and networking together. This community aims to create a space to share experiences, proof of concepts, possible applications, and impact with topics like Quantum Technologies, Specialized Computing Architecture & Energy Efficiency, and Network innovation for future research & education challenges.